Movie Villains Vs Movie Villains

Monday, June 15, 2009

We love our movie villains, who doesn't? But is it fair they never get to win? Maybe they'd have a better chance if they fought OTHER movie villains. Alright, that would allow at least ONE of the bad guys to win. But who? Here is our list of who'd win in a Villain Vs Villain show down.

Hans Gruber Vs The Joker, Winner GRUBER - Hans Gruber the gentleman's baddie. He's clever, nasty, and wears suits when taking hostages, whom he then lectures on the of their history boss. The Joker is an insane yet genius crime boss who tends to operate off his emotions. A battle between the two would mostly take part between henchmen all attempting to 'impress' the boss. After exhausting all their thugs, a final match between the two would be won by Gruber who would take the first opportunity to shoot the Joker. Case closed.

Anton Chigurh Vs Hannibal Lector, Winner CHIGURH - Chigurh is one crazy S.O.B. - ruthlessly killing damn near anyone who sets eyes on him, let alone those who get in his way. And apparently, the only way you can survive a run in with the man is the 50-50 chance of a coin toss, but dear god, don't question his motives, it just seems to irritate him even moreso. Lector is a brilliant psychiatrist who is incarcerated after he is revealed to be a cannibalistic serial killer. He greatest murderous asset is the ability to get into your head and make you question your own existence. This of course would work on most any normal individual, problem being is Chigurh doesn't fit into that category. Before Lector would have his questioning the love for his mother, Chigurh would have Hannibal all over his boots.

The Terminator Vs Agent Smith, Winner AGENT SMITH - The Terminator is an autonomous robot, typically humanoid, originally conceived as a practically indestructible soldier and assassin, as well as an infiltrator. He is hell bent on completely his mission and won't stop until his target is dead. Smith is an Agent an artificial intelligence manifested in the artificial world and possessing extraordinary powers to manipulate his surroundings including superhuman strength and the ability to flawlessly dodge incoming bullets. We don't believe Smith is a better villain and is more deserving of a win, but after the Terminator was defeated by a waitress we had to second guess his villainous abilities.

JAWS Vs Major Arnold Toht, Winner JAWS - JAWS is a Great White Shark and the perfect killing machine. He has no concious, no hestation, he will just eat you. Toth is a sinister SS agent with no concious yet not back bone either. A battle between the two is fairly unmatched but we really wanted to see the shark eat Nazi.

Saruman Vs Darth Vader, Winner Vader - Saruman the White was the Chief of the Order of Wizards. He was wise and powerful, but he was also proud and he became corrupted by desire for the One Ring and was ensnared by the will of Sauron. He created armies and machinery and sought to expand his power, but in the end Saruman's works were undone by a power greater than any he could devise and he was slain by one of his own slaves. Darth Vader is a dark, ruthless figure, out to capture, torture, or kill the anyone preventing him from thwarting the Empire. It's honestly not fair to pair anyone up against Vader. In a battle between the two the time it takes to cast a Wizard spell compared to the quick-handedness of the Force would a knock out in the first round.


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