15 Pictures That Give Trekkies A Bad Name
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Many of us wish to live long, others have high hopes to prosper. Then there are those who want both. Those are called 'Trekkies". Trekkies may have been given a bad rap due to their anti-social behavior, their over-enthusiastic devotion, and the way a 60 minute show has overtaken their lives. Is it fair to them when we call them outcasts? Perhaps it's just the few fans of Star Trek who ruin it for the rest. Here are 15 pictures that give Trekkies a bad name.
15. Bringing A Moped To A Warbird Party - Listen, if you're going to play the part be sure to take it to the edge. 80cc's isn't going to take down the Enterprise, much less your buddy's Toyota Camry.
14. Making Mom Chief Kool-aid Officer - Involving your Mother in your social life is comparable to the Kobayashi Maru scenario, you just can't win. You're batting about .030 when it comes to picking up women in that red shirt. Bring your Mom and you just swung for the Golden sombrero.
13. The Homemade Costume - Can't you piss your savings away like other Trekkies by spending thousands on authentic costumes and props? You're embarrassing the genre by raiding your sister's closet and taping a paper badge to your shirt.
12. Wrong Date - We all understand you're suppose to seek out new life and new civilizations, but don't try to breed outside your species. Trekkies don't date DC's. Any idea what a half Flash, half Tribble would look like?
11. Bonus Dorkness - Trying to Nerd up a Trekky is like putting fuzzy dice in an AMC Pacer.
10. All Levels Of Confusion - The easiest part of this kid's 18th birthday is explaining how they spent 18 months trying to adopt him from China, from there the story is going get really weird.
9. Photo Shoot Set To Stun - If you're going to get dressed up in your favorite outfit, with your favorite stuffed animal... at least look like you're enjoying it.
8. Show Me Your Warp(ed) Core - I see man-boobs and beads, can we please pretend you bought them?
7. Change of Command - Are we being introduced to the crew of the U.S.S. Down Syndrome?
6. Phaser Safety - If you can't be responsible with your replica merchandise, then you don't deserve it.
5. Alternative Universes - Of course we have always wondered what a Dr. Crusher/Cmdr. Riker love story would entail, but to imagine it we'd like to see it in its original time line. Not the time line where both characters have let themselves go and were struggling with their addiction to Chocodiles.
4. Nebula Nuptials - We now pronounce you Dork, and Soon-to-be-exwife.
3. Don't Cross (The Legs Of) A Klingon - Play the part! Show you have brass balls that would make Kahless sweat.
2. Damage To Life Support Systems - Don't ruin two perfectly good boobies and make us decide if we like good Spock... or evil Spock better. You should just send us to the engine room instead.
1. Prime Directive - The Prime Directive dictates that there can be no interference with the internal affairs of other civilizations, consistent with the historical real world concept of Westphalian sovereignty. It has special implications, however, for civilizations that have not yet developed the technology for interstellar spaceflight ("pre-warp"), since no primitive culture can be given or exposed to any information regarding advanced technology or the existence of extraplanetary civilizations, lest this exposure alter the natural development of the civilization. Although this was the only application stated by Captain Kirk in "Return of the Archons", by the 24th Century, it had been indicated to include purposeful efforts to improve or change in any way the natural course of such a society, even if that change is well-intentioned and kept completely secret.
Dressing up this dog violates this, to the fullest extreme.
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