10 Worst Infomercial Products Ever

Friday, May 8, 2009

There are those nights we just can't sleep. We try everything to get those winks until we surrender to our insomnia and make our way to the TV for a little late night programming. What happens to all our favorite stations at night? They punish those who are up with horrible infomercials. From face creams to foot eggs, we can't escape their 30 minute product shows. Here are 10 of the worst infomercial products on television.

10. Chia Pet - It's a pet rock with moss. We get it... go away!

9. Hair In A Can - There are 100 different products for hair loss, none of which work. But if you think putting a little graffiti on your head is the missing piece to getting the babes again, you might wanna look at #10. You could be the first Chia Moron.

8. Big Mouth Billy Bass - Thanks for littering our garage sales with this crappy product for the next 20 years.

7. Flowbee - Conceptually this appears to be a great idea. It eliminates all the hassles of getting your hair cut. Yet there is just one problem, everyone comes out looking like Pete Rose.

6. Free Government Money Books - If they offer a free punch to the face of the spokesman, we'd all consider buying the book. Other than that you have to be a disabled singled mom born on a reservation under a full moon for anything of the 'free money' to come your way.

5. The Clapper - We'd rather you call us in from the other room and ask us to shut off the TV than have you walk around the house all day clapping. You're making us shell-shocked during the credit of Leno.

4. Thighmaster - This launched the beginning of 100 different crappy fitness products and for that, we can't forgive it. You, Mr. Thighmaster spawned Tony Little... to Hell with you!

3. Anything Richard Simmons - If we have to watch another infomercial with Richard Simmons screaming and jumping with old and fat people, we are going to stab him to death with Ginsu Knives and clean him it up with a Shamwow. You'll know when it happens because we'll announce it on a Mr. Microphone (Google it).

2. Rejuvenique - It's as if Michael Myers and Jason Voorhees sold out to the man and decided to kill people via their ignorance.

1. Snuggie - One day a guy put his robe on backwards and said "I want a Porsche".

Thanks to Big Stupid Idiot


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