10 Best GIS For Dumb Blondelist

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Searching Google for Images is like a box of chocolates... you get the rest. We often scour GIS for items of relevance, sometimes often surprised with our results. We will be doing installments of our favorites Keyword Searches starting with part 1 - Dumb Blondes.

10. Dumb Blonde on Skates - Our first search result brings us to a flickr page showing a freshly sprayed roller blader who is apparently being chased by a naked alien on a bike. We'd like to think if the mother ship showed up, they'd be looking for more intelligent forms of life. Such as Woodchucks.

9. Dumb Blonde Math Question - In truth you'd actually need to give them this one. This is what a professor would pen 'thinking outside the box (or triangle).

8. Dumb Blonde Paris Hilton and Friends - We're actually surprised that GIS didn't litter our browser with images of the self-proclaimed celebrity. Fortunately our safe search was on. We really don't need to see her cootchie today.

7. Dumb Blonde French Girl - We're not really sure why this is labeling her dumb, but we felt we needed to add some international flare and she's pretty smoking hot.

6. Dumb Blonde Dolly Parton - This is a little awkward for us since we didn't even know Dolly Parton had hair until today.

5. Dumb Blonde Wish These Were Brains - If they were we'd already have a cure for cancer.

4. Dumb Blonde Body Builder - We'd make a joke here but we're a little concerned for our safety.

3. Dumb Blonde Studying - You're fooling no one sweetheart. Go blow your professor and get your B-.

2. Dumb Blonde Open Wide - We can only assume she is singing? Right?

1. Dumb Blonde Death Wish - We can only hope this picture was taken from afar.


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